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construction mats temporary roads and site access roadways

Jul. 19, 2021

Composite Mats Are the Best Construction Mats Available Today

Why are composites mats better than the alternative? Well, hardwood mats rot and degrade in a relatively short amount of time when compared to the composite alternatives. Composite mats will never rot and, therefore, can last indefinitely. This composite construction mats will easily outlast wooden crane mats. Composite Mats can last 10 years or longer.

Over the lifespan of the mat, these savings can be very substantial, but you don’t have to wait a year to start seeing the investment pay off. Composite mats are 35-65% lighter than wood mats which means there are significant savings on freight costs. Every time you pick up and transport the mats, you’ve saved on logistics.

Another benefit you’ll see right away is environmental. Wood mats tend to hide or retain foreign material contaminants, noxious weeds, and seeds, but composite mats are inert and do not give off or absorb anything. Cleaning and decontaminating is much easier than with wooden mats.

Wooden mats get heavier and start to rot as they take on water. This doesn’t happen with composite construction mats.

Composite mats have known engineering data and values, while wooden mats cannot be guaranteed for ratings such as shear, psi, and deflection. You can feel confident about how much pressure these mats can take. You won’t be worried that they will rot out from under you.

Whether you are busy with oil drilling jobs in the permafrost, logging in a remote forest, or taking on the sun and sand in an Arizona suburb, composite mats can handle your needs.

construction mats temporary roads and site access roadways



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